Friday, April 19, 2019

An Amazing Deep-dish Pizza!

Okay, not really paleo if you're putting cheese on it, but I promise not to judge...  Anyway, this turns out pretty amazing for a paleo deep-dish pizza, and I really recommend it!  Original recipe was here, I've just tweaked the instructions to make them (hopefully) clearer.


  • 2 cups tapioca flour (tapioca starch)
  • 1/2 cup coconut flour
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 3 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp "Italian Seasoning Blend" dry herb mix
  • 1 cup just-boiled water
  • 1 Tbsp bacon grease or other high-smoke-point fat
  • Whatever you want to put on your pizza...
  1. Place a 12-inch cast iron skillet in the oven on the middle rack.  Set the oven to preheat to 425F.  Once the oven has preheated, leave the skillet in the oven for at least 10 minutes.
  2. While the oven is preheating, put a kettle on to boil (for the boiling water).
  3. In a stand mixer or other suitable "implement of mass blending" (see note below) place the tapioca flour/starch, coconut flour, eggs, salt, "Italian Seasoning Blend", and olive oil.  Mix or blend until combined, then pour in the cup of just-boiled water while it continues to mix/blend.
  4. Wait at least 10 minutes, basically until the oven is preheated and the skillet is good and hot.
  5. Remove the skillet from the oven, add the tablespoon of fat, let it melt, and swirl it around in the pan to coat evenly.
  6. Put the dough into the hot skillet (carefully!) - I use a spatula to spoon it in as "lumps" of dough, then smoosh/smooth them around until it's a fairly even layer coating the entire bottom of the pan, up to the side walls.
  7. Place the skillet with the dough into the oven and bake for 15 minutes.
  8. Remove it from the oven, dress it, and bake for an additional 20-25 minutes.  (I sometimes switch the oven to "broil" for the last couple of minutes, if the cheese isn't quite browned enough for my liking.)
  9. Let it sit for ten minutes (because, well, lava-cheese!).
  10. Eat!!!
Note: the dough gets pretty thick, do NOT use a wimpy mini blender or small food processor unit.  Go big or go home!

And hey, how about a picture?
Image may contain: food

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